The Armidale Naturopathic and Holistic Healing (ANHH) clinic provides the New England region with quality holistic healing services including naturopathic medicine, homeopathic medicine and kinesiology.
The clinic is able to work with medical practitioners and other allied health practitioners and provide an integrated approach towards supporting good health and treating illness.

Naturopathic practice is based on a holistic philosophy which aims to improve health and restore normal body function. The method attempts to address the underlying imbalances that created disease, and to enhance the body’s own healing abilities. The process includes gaining an understanding of the individual’s constitution, situation in life, and the factors that contributed to the development of poor health.
The clinic offers various holistic modalities including western herbal medicine, nutritional medicine, environmental medicine, homeopathy and kinesiology. Sometimes it is possible to integrate these modalities into the same session. See the services section for more information on how different sessions compare.

What We Believe In

The practitioners of the clinic work as clinicians and not as salespersons. They are expected to work as efficiently as possible, refer when appropriate and not over service.

In general, practitioners do not recommend supplements, herbs or other complementary products unless there is a clear reason for it.

Supplements will be recommended for the shortest duration necessary and clients empowered to manage the dose and the treatment course.

The clinic does not engage in any contractual arrangements with suppliers that includes promoting specific products over equivalent products on the market.

The clinic holds a limited number of ‘practitioner-only’ products to facilitate timely treatment. Clients are at liberty to request prescriptions for supply through alternate retail outlets.

Practitioners will ensure that clients have considered standard medical options of treatment for significant and dangerous disease states.

Autism is a phenomenon that has been with humans for millenia and has been the strength behind many of humanity's creative genuises. Hoewever, the recent explosion in the rates of autism and the ever increasing severity of pathology suggests the modern world is failing to deal with the factors that provoke and aggravate the phenomenon. Holistic options for promoting healthy and productive behaviours are offered throught the ANHH clinic.