Acute Integrated Sessions

Integrated Session for Acute Conditions (ISAC)

Integrated Session for Acute Conditions (ISAC) aim to speed up the healing process and minimise the suffering from recent short term health issues. The methods employed are holistic wherever possible.


These conditions include:

  • Wound healing (injuries, mouth ulcers)
  • Acute viral illness (fevers, runny noses, coughs and colds)
  • Allergies such as hay fever and minor rashes
  • Acute mental or emotional stress, including difficulties relaxing and sleeping.
  • Gut issues such as heartburn, diarrhoea and constipation or thrush.
Sunrise over field
What to expect from an ISAC session?

The sessions include a physical examination to understand the symptoms, look for constitutional signs and for red flags that require medical attention. Urine or other pathology tests may be performed or ordered.  

Unless the client has a preference, the practitioner will combine whichever naturopathic, homeopathic and kinesiological techniques that they believe are likely to work best in the situation.  

If the session runs smoothly and efficiently, then the client usually leaves with a homeopathic prescription and a 3-5 day quantity of liquid herbal medicine to treat the condition. These basic remedies are provided complementary to the session.

Healing ingredients on a table
Natural Medicine
Why go for an ISAC session?

Holistic health care is about understanding the individual, and their idiosyncrasies. Continuity of care is an important aspect to any health profession, but even more so within holistic healing.

The response to holistic remedies is highly dependent on the individual's constitution and lifestyle, not just the disease. The accuracy of homeopathic and herbal prescribing is less precise with new clients. As the practitioner's understanding of the client improves, then it is more likely that the client will be able to walk away from a session, take their remedies, and feel much better by the following day.

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When are ISAC sessions not suitable?

If you are suffering from a chronic condition that has been present for more than two months, then this session is not suitable - instead book in an initial 60 minute session from your preferred modality (naturopathy, homeopathy or kinesiology).

Conditions that require the examination of sensitive areas must be seen a medical doctor first. Naturopathic practitioners are not trained or licensed to perform such examinations.  

If you require a medical certificate or an absence from work certificate, please see your medical practitioner or pharmacist promptly. The most a naturopathic practitioner can do is to summarise the details of their session with you and forward this to your medical doctor or pharmacist.  

If you are suffering from a serious medical emergency, please seek urgent medical advice or dial 000.

Healing ingredients on a table
Natural Medicine
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