Naturopathic consults are best suited for individuals wanting to recover from chronic illness or for those seeking to optimise their health and stay healthy long term.
During the session the practitioner examines the symptoms, the history of health issues, the physical signs of poor health, the constitutional nature of the individual and lifestyle factors. The holistic diagnosis is then made to establish what support the body needs to initiate healing and maintain the healing process.
The physical examination can include a visual check of the eyes, tongue, skin and fingernails; muscle testing to look for hints about nutritional status and food intolerance reactions. Urine and saliva testing may also be checked for acidity balance and heavy metal toxicity. Sometimes laboratory testing is also required and this can include hair mineral analysis and blood tests.
At the end of the consult the individual is given an easy to follow written treatment plan. If herbs are required, then a small trial of liquid herbs (approximately 5 days duration), is sometimes given before the client commits to long term therapy.
If the treatment plan is working, then most clients will start feeling better within a fortnight. However, it is important to continue with the treatment plan as the maximum level of healing is usually seen after at least several months.
Naturopathic sessions are best suited to those who are struggling with poor health, run down and burnt out. It does not matter what the health condition is. It is about giving the body what it needs to go back to a healthy equilibrium.
Naturopathic sessions are also well suited to those who are unsure about their lifestyle and dietary choices and want advice.
The most common treatment plan includes removing foods that appear to be draining the body, adding foods to support the body, giving nutritional supplements and herbs to support weakened body systems such as digestive, lymphatic and nervous systems.
The plan may also include general lifestyle advice, supporting mental wellbeing through the beauty of the home environment and its colours, and keeping unnecessary electro-magnetic radiation out of the main rest areas.
Naturopathic sessions are always a good choice as this is the bread and butter of keeping healthy. However for individuals who feel they otherwise have a healthy dietand lifestyle, but continue to suffer from symptoms of chronic illness, a homeopathic session is recommended instead.
For individuals that are otherwise healthy but not feeling their best in recent months, or have a musculoskeletal condition that is not responding to standard therapies, then a kinesiology session may be the better option.
Home visits are offered when the home environment is suspected to be contributing to poor health. The practitioner assesses the home for environmental factors such as damp and mould, chemical exposure (air, furnishings, water), electromagnetic radiation exposure, and the "psychology" of the house (how colour, and the house setup influences mood and wellbeing). If a home visit is required, then please contact reception
Naturopathic healing is based on a philosophy developed over one century ago. The main objectives are to establish the conditions for good health and support the body systems in the recovery process. The main healing methods (modalities) of naturopathic practitioners in Australia are nutritional medicine and western herbal medicine. At ANHH, the naturopathic session also incorporates the principles of environmental medicine.
Naturopathic consults are not about getting an alternate disease-state diagnosis which was "missed" by the medical doctor and receiving a novel "disease-label". It is about empowering people to take control of their health; to get better and stronger; to be less prone to illness and less dependent on practitioners and health products.