
Homeopathic Treatment

If there is one healing modality that has the potential for achieving rapid and deep results, then this is homeopathy.

People using homeopathy have recovered from pretty much any mental, emotional or physical illness except where there is irreparable damage to body parts. Examples where homeopathy frequently assists include symptoms such as head colds, eczema, hay fever, asthma, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome, infertility and behavioural disorders in children. Homeopathy can also be useful to help people cope with the mental or emotional blocks that impede them with achieving attainable goals in life.

Homeopathy works best in people who have a healthy lifestyle, but it can also be useful for people struggling with unhealthy habits such as addictions, overeating and behavioural issues.

What does the consult process look like?

Chronic illness (60 minutes)

During the consult, the practitioner analyses in detail the main symptoms bothering the person. Then other symptoms are also noted (including mental and emotional reactions, phobias, dreams). This is then compared to how well the health situation fits in with the narrative of the stress that provoked it. If it all matches up well, then chances of a good response is high. If not, then the practitioner is likely to prescribe the best-fit remedy as the response to this remedy greatly assists the process in the next session.  

The sessions for chronic illness may at times delve deeply in to how the individual feels or reacts to stressful situations in life. The client needs to be honest and comfortable with the process for it to be successful.  

Acute illness (30 minutes)

In acute illness such as head colds, the focus is mainly on the symptoms  of the acute illness. These session are usually integrated with naturopathic and kinesiological techniques as accurate homeopathic prescribing in acute illness is challenging, particularly in clients who are new to the clinic and their sensitivity to remedy groups is not known.

Sunrise over field
How many sessions are required?

For chronic illness the clinic practitioners aim to get it correct first go. However, this is seldom the case in situations involving complex trauma and in clients with multiple health issues.

There are thousands of remedies to choose from, and discerning the real stress of situation can be challenging. For example, when one is stressed by harsh criticism, is it because the individual considers the criticism an insult?; or because the individual feels rejected or betrayed?; or is it because the individual lacks a healthy self-esteem and by default blames themselves?

Healing ingredients on a table
Natural Medicine
Where is the evidence that homeopathy works?

Homeopathy has divided the medical and scientific community for over 250 years, and has been frequently attacked as placebo medicine. As you can see above, the nature of the modality makes it rather complicated to study through modern clinical trial designs. Most existing clinical trials are positive, but have been of poor quality and are not considered to settle the scientific question of how and if homeopathy works.

Despite this, homeopathy is offered through the clinic because the clinical experience of the clinic's founder strongly suggests it works and surpasses other modalities in its depth of healing.

One fact that emboldens the case for homeopathy is that Professor George Vithoulkas, who is credited with resurrecting the classical homeopathic technique in the 1960's. Professor Vithoulkas has been so successful in his practice and academy (Internation Academy of Classical Homeopathy) that he now enjoys over twenty honorary professorships with medical universities around the world.

Sunrise over field

A little more detail…

The basic principle of homeopathy is that "like cures likes". The healing technique was discovered in the late 1700's by a medical doctor, Samuel Hahnemann. He was curious why Cinchona bark, which was used to treat malaria, caused poisoning symptoms in large doses that appear very similar to those cause by malaria. Hahnemann then developed a system of potentization and serial dilution to retain the energetic properties of the original plant material whilst removing the chemical and the risks of toxicity. Modern scientific experiments have shown that the potentization process causes physical changes to how water behaves and crystallises when frozen.

In modern times the patterns of the mineral, plant and animal worlds have been associated with personality types and the common deeper sensation that is found in each individual. One of these theories known as  Plant Theory, developed by Dr. Jan Scholten  are about treating the personality, personal attachments and the stress these cause in life. For example, the humble cashew and its relatives, including the mango, in homeopathic form have been discovered to work well in people who have been let down by the society which they aspired to be part of and loyal to. In the midst of this disappointment and stress these people may develop amongst many other symptoms, eczema and rheumatic complaints.  

In the clinic, classical and modern techniques (Plant Theory and Sankaran's Sensation Method) are integrated to find the correct remedy, as they work well side by side and confirm each other. The classical technique uses the symptoms to guide the practitioner towards the correct remedy; Plant Theory helps understand the contexts that are likely to cause stress and poor health; lastly, the Sensation Method explores the presence of the deeper sensations associated with remedies.

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