Home Visits

General health is heavily influenced by our living environment. This is the place where we normally sit back and relax and sleep, usually eat most of our meals, and associate with other members of the household.
Rest is the time when our bodies perform their maintenance functions. For example, liver activity, growth of skin and nails and digestive processes peak when we are resting. Stressors at home which interfere with sleep quality can have a significant impact on general health.
During the home visit, the focus is on identifying environmental stressors. These can include air quality, building and furniture materials, the location of electronic devices, electro-magnetic radiation, the layout and feel to the room. The last may seem unusual, but the choice of colours and furniture layout can also influence how one feels in their living and resting areas.
Home visits take approximately 90 minutes. The client will be provided with written advice, including practical and cost-effective solutions where possible. If a full assessment report is required, then this can be provided at extra-cost.