Autism is a phenomenon that has been with humans for millenia and has been the strength behind many of humanity's creative genuises. Hoewever, the recent explosion in the rates of autism and the ever increasing severity of pathology suggests the modern world is failing to deal with the factors that provoke and aggravate the phenomenon. Holistic options for promoting healthy and productive behaviours are offered throught the ANHH clinic.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a disorder that affects the ability of the individual to communicate and interact with other humans. The symptoms can include anything from avoiding contact to aggressive behaviours.
There are no straightforward answers as to why some people develop ASD. Some forms of ASD are known to be caused by gene mutations. There are also developmental and environmental factors that appear to influence the development of ASD. Naturopathic methods focus on environmental factors and improving challenging behaviours.
Environmental factors that influence the development of ASD start from pre-conception. For example, paternal age and sperm quality are associated with the development of ASD. From conception onwards, the development of ASD has been associated with the influence of chemicals, drugs, vaccinations, noise and ultrasound exposure, electromagnetic radiation, poor diet and heavy metal exposure.
The main problem with these associations is that the suspicions raised in reported cases are not always evident in comprehensive studies. Even when thorough studies are done, and associations are found, the associations simply mean that wherever there is one thing, you will likely find the other. It doesn’t mean it is a cause. For example, if vaccines did cause ASD, then why does ASD also develop in individuals who have not been vaccinated, and why does it also develop well away from the time of vaccination?
Studies show that the gut flora of autistic individuals exhibits anomalies. Studies have also shown that the worse the gut symptoms, the worse the ASD symptoms. This suggests that ASD could be a neuro-immune condition that involves gut flora imbalance. Why could this be?
Gut flora ferments food and produces a variety of substances, including vitamins that feed the human body and toxic substances that can adversely affect health. However, as much as gut flora influences human health, the brain and immune system, in turn, influence what gut flora survive in our bowels. The matter is more complex than food choices, gut flora and bad luck.
The basic question is why the body would allow ASD to develop, and why would certain genetic traits increase the risk of ASD? In ASD, communication and interaction with other humans are affected. Anxiety issues are common. In the more severe forms of ASD, the person can look blissfully happy and show no inclination to interact with the outside world, or they can become unduly aggressive and agitated when stressed. The answer may be in this phenomenon. If the individual doesn’t feel safe and willing to interact with others, their brain perfects other mechanisms instead. These mechanisms are able survival - survival of the perceived threat. Unsurprisingly, many of these mechanisms are about being sensitive to noise and other forms of nuisance that can indicate danger. In contrast, others are about being strong in analytical capabilities. After all, so many of our historical human geniuses exhibited ASD traits.
In the ANHH clinic, ASD treatment complements standard care. Environmental factors, particularly toxin exposure, food intolerance reactions and general dietary habits, are examined to ensure the body functions as best as possible. The home environment should be “energetically” warm and comfortable to promote feelings of safety - this includes understanding how to manage colur, light, noise and EMR. Gut health treatments can become necessary when gut symptoms are present or when food intolerance reactions are suspected. Homeopathic treatment is beneficial for treating unwanted behaviours and mental symptoms such as anxiety, agitation and environmental sensitivities such as noise, textures and light. The response to standard therapies can be more efficient if the body is given a better chance.