The difference between food allergies and intolerance reactions; the health impacts; causes; the means for detection.
Food reactions occur when the body negatively responds to a food item. If not rectified early, food reactions can swiftly burden health and eventually lead to or exacerbate existing health problems.
Food allergies occur when the immune system reacts against a food component, whereas food intolerances may or not involve an immune reaction.
Allergies involve inflammatory reactions where the immune system detects the presence of the food component it considers a threat (allergen)and releases chemicals such as histamine. The reaction is usually dramatic. The reaction can include redness, itchy skin, scratchy throat, sore stomach,breathing difficulties. In the worst-case scenario anaphylaxis may occur – a life threatening condition which needs urgent medical attention. The only solution in the short-term is the avoidance of the food. When severe reactions occur, the desensitisation is best managed by a medical allergy specialist (also known as a clinical immunologist).
Food intolerances in contrast may or may not involve well understood mechanisms. One of the better-known mechanisms of intolerance to food again involves the immune system. The immune for whatever reason decides a food component is noxious and produces antibodies against it. However, rather than creating a dramatic cascade of inflammatory reactions as occur in allergies, the antibodies simply bind up the food component and stop the free movement of the food component. The complex is then chomped up by immune cells and processed. When this reaction occurs to commonly consumed foods, then the immune system starts to burn out and body organs can be become stressed. Unlike food allergies, once the food is removed from the diet, the impacts on healthcan sometimes take weeks to resolve.
Other food intolerances reactions occur because the body is unable to digest food components efficiently and this can result in diarrhoea, or severe bloating, gas and irritation. Common examples include the inability to digest lactose, and foods such as legumes and nuts.
The mechanisms of other forms of food intolerance is speculative and may include the effects of the food on the body’s nutrient balance and energy systems. However, the story is the same: the consumption of the food produces symptoms, delayed or rapid; avoidance of the food for a week or two produces an improvement in health.
Detecting food intolerances can involve a blood test for immune system proteins, known as immunoglobulins; and/or using kinesiological techniques to determine the body’s response to individual foods. Kinesiology is a useful technique in that it can suggest food items that are causing intolerance reactions, regardless of the mechanism. Blood tests in contrast can provide clear result and help identify foods that are likely to have the most impact on health. Blood test, however, are expensive and only detect immune mediated reactions.
Are food intolerances the beginning and end of all health problems? Food intolerances frequently develop after events, such as food poisoning, viral illness, and intense physical or emotional stress. They can also occur if foods are consumed inappropriately and in excess.
Regardless, of what initially caused poor health, rectifying the food intolerance can lead to profound and rapid improvements in health. However, in the long-term food intolerance reactions may reappear unless the underlying cause is also resolved.
Are food intolerance reactions permanent? No, they usually are not. Sometimes the body simply needs a break from certain foods. The best prevention is seasonal eating and rotation and ensuring that you follow a healthy lifestyle: work, leisure, and rest.
At the ANHH clinic, in conjunction with a holistic health assessment we provide testing for potential food intolerances and advice on how to best approach the necessary dietary modifications. We also assist in putting in measures to prevent the development of future food intolerance reactions.