Homeopathy, despite the controversy, can be a quick healer that can achieve what no other healing modality can achieve, read on and consider giving it a go...
J.C Burnett (1840-1901), in his time a highly successful doctor of London, recognised for his exceptional knowledge of human anatomy, said:
“The medical profession at large condemn homoeopathy - they know nothing about it. There was a time when I also condemned it - I also then knew nothing about it; but now, having studied it and practised it, my airy contempt has given place to humble-minded thankfulness, and I maintain that homoeopathy - real scientific homoeopathy - is the most mighty weapon against any disease known to mankind” (J.C Burnett 1890).
What has changed in the world since Burnett said this? A lot, and a little. Homeopathy has become very popular and widespread in parts of Asia and the Middle East. In the West, nothing much has changed – homeopathy is still generally ridiculed, mocked, and suppressed at every opportunity: one must be brave to even mention the concept in any intellectual discussion – sometimes even amongst complementary therapists!
My journey with homeopathy is a similar story to many others who became fascinated with this healing technique: I initially was sceptical about it. Eventually a friend offered me a few remedies to treat some bizarre symptoms that had no medical explanation, but which interfered with my ability to go on long trips. The response was modest but unparalleled by anything else I tried.
Eventually I tried other remedies for a variety of conditions on myself, my animals, my family members. Frequently the results were poor – but sometimes I got results that far exceeded my expectations The included treating cancer pain in a goat, autoimmune disease in a dog, animal behavioural issues, colds and fevers in children, behavioural issues in the elderly etc.
As you might be able to tell from the list above, none are examples of individuals who are vulnerable to the effects of placebo.
So what is homeopathy? It is a system of healing that uses the energetic signature of substances to stimulate the healing process.
Why is it so ridiculed? Because the method involves the dilution and physical agitation of the original parent material repeatedly, to the point where there isn’t the remotest possibility of having any of the original parent material in the solution. So where is the healing power? It is in the energetic signature of the original parent material that still remains in the solution even though the chemical presence of the parent material is largely gone.
Why offer homeopathic treatments to clients? Because it occasionally achieves a major improvement or full recovery from illness with minimal effort.
What happens the rest of the time? Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work – even when individuals are so hyped up and upbeat about it working.
When does homeopathy work well? It works well when the body has the capacity to recover from illness, but for whatever reason doesn’t. Homeopathy usually works well when emotional or energetic blocks burden the body. It doesn’t work well when individuals make poor lifestyle and dietary choices, though it can be used to help individuals lift themselves out of poor lifestyle and dietary choices.
What does the ANHH clinic offer? At the ANHH clinic homeopathic remedies are frequently incorporated into naturopathic sessions. However, if you want to specifically experience homeopathic treatment, this is also offered.